LD51: Splore!
I'm building an Interactive Fiction aka Choose Your Own Adventure aka Gamebook platform that can be used to make games! I'll need an example original story short adventure to use as the sample. I'll find out about the theme Monday. What I'm looking for is someone who's a writer and plays tabletop RPGs to join my team!
Friend and Join me here: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/51/splore
Launch Party
The theme for LD51 is "Every 10 Seconds". 10 seconds can be an eternity or not nearly enough time in-game. At the launch party some great ideas were tossed around. One I really liked was being in a labyrinth where the monster moves every 10 seconds or the maze changed every 10 seconds so you have the keep on the move. I've been grooving on SolarPunk esthetic lately that has a hopeful future vibe were nature and technology coexist in balance. So instead of a dungeon or labyrinth, how about a rainforest. Instead of a monster, how about a friendly nature spirit (like Totoro) that pulls you back to the starting area? this could give a roguelike branching narrative. Let's do that!
The name of the game is Splore and you are a woodland being in a solarpunk future with a thirst for adventure aka Splore!
Find out more at http:/www.splore.games